Impulse Amino Acid Feeding Stimulant (250 ml)

BioSource Baits

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Scroll down to check out the attached video presentations for a for an overview of how amino acids can be used to invoke an enhanced feeding response in a variety of fish species.

The Impulse™  bio stimulant is solvated (dissolved) mixture comprising several naturally occurring biologically active molecular compounds (amino acids). These natural materials are food grade and are not, in any way, hazardous to aquatic or human life.

Impulse™  is a binary blend of amino acids in solution form. It is added to baits prior to use and is effective at invoking an enhanced feeding response among a broad cross- section of sporting species.

It target specific classes of chemoreceptor sites at the fishes' olfactory membranes. If introduced into an aquatic environment, at recommended levels, they induce an enhanced searching and feeding response.

Instructions for use:

Note: Once applied, impulse™ has a similar shelf life to a ‘raw’ product like a hydroslate but in its bottled form its shelf life is indefinite providing it is sealed and kept away from direct sunlight and high temperatures.

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  • 5

    Posted by Ropes on 22nd Oct 2023

    Caught my new PB while using this product last week… I didn’t use it in isolation from other attractants to know for sure that Impulse was definitely THE reason I caught the PB, but… As I was fishing the margins/sight fishing, in addition to seeing a frenzy in carp feeding activity I also for certain noticed an increase in other fish species concentrated in the baited area. Many sunnies and many white sucker fish piled around the bait. Having fished that spot and seeing these species’ respective behaviors many times, I know suckers typically don’t investigate anything that isn’t alive (ie worms). And though they didn’t eat anything, they 100% were investigating and hovering near/around the Impulse-soaked bait. Coincidence? Maybe. But very happy that I happened to catch my PB while using Impulse, and for sure will be using it again!

  • 5
    Impulse solution

    Posted by William Keirns on 10th Apr 2023

    This is a very good product...Have used it for a couple years now.. With great success.....Glad to see you carrying it.!!!!!

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